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作者:商视互联   来源:原创   日期:2011/11/3 23:09:25   热度:℃   [ 标签:seo优化 ]

  Do SEO, time should pay attention to some issues, lest by Baidu K station. Substantially should pay attention to the following two days the most important.
  1, you change the site templates, or modify the program website, or before your website without the advertising, but you suddenly give up advertising, Baidu will think your website is very unstable, will gradually reduce the previously indexed pages, but do not be afraid, reduction is only temporary, as long as you can keep update, so Baidu still you included, but your previous keyword will be lost, previously found recorded rankings are not. But according to the above method, you can also set the new keywords, Baidu will still give you flow.
  2, your site is suspected of illegal information, baidu gives you K off, you have to carefully check their website ever suspected of illegal information, if there is to remove as soon as possible, if you can't find your site Baidu one page, so dear webmaster, you should consider in the opening of a new" domain", let Baidu to a new station eyes back recorded by search; during this period, you can also start your old" domain name" Baidu will not be included, if very serious, so only choose the latter, if not too serious, Baidu will collect you drop.

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